Who do I call?

Emergency Police and Fire: 9-1-1

Police (non-emergency, anonymous): (562) 435-6711

Auto Theft: (572) 570-7362

Burglary: (562) 570-7351

Gang Hotline: (866) 426-4847

Narcotics Investigations: (562) 570-7125

Juvenile Division: (562) 570-1426 

All LBDP Contact #s 

LB's Numerous Crime Prevention Tips

Neighborhood Numbers 

Graffiti Abatement: (562) 570-2773

Historic Officer: (562) 570-6864

Noise Abatement: (562) 570-4131

Trash Pickup: (562) 570-2870

Free Large Item Pickup: (562) 570-2876

Zoning Enforcement: (562) 570-7497

Animal Care Services: (562) 570-PETS (7387)

Neighborhood Resource Center: (562) 570-1010

Nuisance Yard Sales: (562) 570-9273

Recycling Problems & Bin Theft: (562) 570-2876

Shopping Cart Pickup: (800) 252-4613

Youth Services

Dept. of Children’s & Family Services: (800) 540-4000

Gang Hotline: (562) 570-7127

LBUSD (truancy): (562) 989-0875

Long Beach Police Child Abuse Unit: (562) 570-7321

Juvenile Division: (562) 570-1426

Police Athletic League: (562) 570-2200